Monthly Character Traits

  • Trait

    Feel safe and connected to our community

    Treat everyone with respect and appreciate and understand our diverse community

    Are active participants in our learning and community

    Strive to be our best every day in every situation

    August/September - RESPECT

    We all belong at MMS, so We are respectful, considerate, and courteous to all people.

    We respect our differences while building on our similarities.

    We respect everyone’s right to learn and be themselves.

    We respect ourselves, our school, and take pride in helping all people to be their best.

    October - SELF CONTROL

    We understand that to belong we must control our thoughts and impulses that would hurt others.

    We think through our thoughts and actions while we strive to see the perspectives of others.

    We think through our thoughts and actions while we strive to see the perspectives of others.

    We take pride in ourselves by using self-control to help us balance our social, emotional and intellectual needs

    November - INTEGRITY 

    We belong at MMS by acting with integrity, even when no one else is watching.

    We believe that all people should be treated with integrity, dignity, fairness, and love.

    We believe in academic integrity, which means we engage in our ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ, do our own work, and encourage others to do their own work.

    We act with integrity and accept responsibility for our actions. We don’t make excuses but learn from our mistakes and move forward

    December/ January - TOLERANCE 

    We are tolerant of all beliefs and people. We treat all people with respect and dignity.

    We are tolerant of the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of all people and strive to learn about those differences, even when we don’t agree.

    We understand that there are diverse learning styles, interests, and talents and respect the right for all students to engage in ways that are best for them.

    We take pride in our diversity and are tolerant of our differences. We treat all people with pride and dignity.

    February - THOUGHTFUL 

    We are thoughtful about other people’s backgrounds and beliefs and work to make ethical decisions when dealing with them

    We are thoughtful about all people and strive to treat them with empathy and respect.

    We take the initiative to thoughtfully create solutions to complex problems and issues.

    We take pride to thoughtfully consider our approach to complex issues and problems before reacting to them.

    March/April - INGENUITY 

    We use our ingenuity to solve problems with creativity and inventiveness

    When we see a need or the suffering of others we demonstrate ingenuity when attempting to assist.

    We are engaged in our ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ by being curious learners daring to ask questions and taking the initiative to find solutions that have not been invented yet.

    We take pride in our curiosity and our ability to dream of solutions not yet created. We believe learning should be fun.


    We persevere in creating a climate of belonging even when it’s difficult.

    We understand that we all go through difficult situations and we encourage others to persevere, to receive the reward at the end. We work to help all students to not give up when life gets hard.

    We persevere through our learning and don’t give up when it is hard. We are relentless in our ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ.

    We take pride in our ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ and school and work with perseverance to achieve our goals.

     June - VISION

    We have a shared vision to reach our full potential.

    We work collaboratively to help all people achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

    We achieve our vision by creating a plan that motivates us to achieve our goals and potential.

    We take pride in our vision and realize we are in control of our future.